Volunteer for Sacred Service

Share Your Talents

If you are ready to expand your spirit and live a larger, more prosperous life, Unity of Port Richey offers many meaningful ways you can contribute to our wonderful spiritual community and deepen your commitment to your own spiritual growth.

We welcome the enthusiasm and commitment to service of our many active volunteers. Without you we would not be able to do all that we can for our congregation, our church and our community.

As we share talents, time, ideas, and energy, we are abundantly blessed in return.

Our service opportunities are as varied as the people who participate. Take a look at these opportunities to put your talents and skills to work, and let us know what speaks to your heart and spirit. Whether you have only a little time to give, or a lot, we appreciate each and every one of our volunteers!

  • Greeters/Ushers
  • Hospitality
  • Grounds

Please email Admin@UnityPortRichey.org if interested in any of these areas of sacred service.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy
I awoke and saw life was service
I acted and behold...service was joy


Sacred Service Ministries

"The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others." Mohandas K. Gandhi

As we grow in spiritual awareness and understanding, we open ourselves to new possibilities for Sacred Service.

We have immediate needs in the following areas:

Board Members