Reopening Unity Update

Continuing virtual services through the summer

To all our beloved members and congregants:

With the ever-shifting landscape and guidelines surrounding the COVID-19 virus, we, as a Board, have been discussing how and when we would reopen Unity Spiritual Center Port Richey to in-person services. And we’re sure this question is on your mind as well. Our first priority remains your safety and that of our staff. Therefore, we have decided that we will not be reopening our sanctuary and services to in-person gatherings, for the summer. We will revisit this decision in late July/first part of August. We will be in touch with you again in regard to opening or remaining virtual at that time.

What are the benefits to returning to in-person church? First, let’s talk about why we believe in-person gathering is so important. We have a Sunday service available on Facebook at 10:30 Sunday mornings which remains posted and available both on Facebook and our Web-site banner ( that has been, and will remain invaluable during this physical distancing period. We know that our community is a relationship that requires nurturing and connection. Our collective spiritual energy reinforces individual spiritual growth and this energy is greatly enhanced when we are physically together. For those who are able to attend in-person, we need to find a way to bring back that experience.

How will we prepare between now and late summer? We will be laying out the processes and protocols to reopen our church. This work will not be done in a vacuum - we will be using multiple sources of information to ensure we are considering all issues. This will include input from you, our staff, additional information from our government and medical professionals, and of course, guidance from Spirit.

Might our plans change? We recognize for some of you the fall may feel like a very long way off. For some of you, it may feel too soon. This is the world we’re living in – parameters for how to address “returning to normal” are very fluid right now and “normal” is being redefined in many cases. We know that as the days pass, more information will be available and we will use that to continue to work toward an opening date. If for some reason we are able to move this date up we will do so. Similarly, if we cannot open in the fall in a way that upholds the safety of our congregation to the protocols we’ve developed we will postpone our opening. Either way, we are committed to staying in conversation with you to ensure you are fully informed of any changes. At this time, we believed it was important to establish a plan.

How else will we connect? The decision to postpone deciding on reopening until late summer covers all of our in-person activities. We are continuing our mission by increasing your opportunities to connect via Zoom – the book groups and classes can all use this technology.

Thank you for your continued support, love and prayers. We are all in this together and we so look forward to a time when we can support each other in person and know dear friend,  we are holding you in our prayers.

Love and Blessings

Rev. Marty and Board of Trustees