Getting to Know -Richard Shell

I joined Unity Truth Center in 1998. At that time, I never knew what meditation was and listening to the minister at that time and the meditation he did, he put me in a place I never knew existed.

I'm so happy that I became a member of Unity Truth Center of Port Richey, because the lessons that both Reverend Barbara and Rev. Jesse give seem to be all about "how to take care of your own personal life".

The lessons also taught me "how to reach out to our community" by joining our Unity Community Outreach Ministry.

My favorite bible verse is:  Cols Chapter 3; verse 14:  "Above all, clothe yourself with love; with binds everything together in perfect harmony".  If you don't love yourself first; you will never experience true love with others.

My favorite affirmations are:  Let go and let God, F. R. O. G. (fully rely on God), I am a healthy, wealthy, child of God.  I think when I use these 3 affirmations each day as I begin my day, everything will work out for me.

As I do my artwork, I go into my "quiet time", "my Sabbath time".  My creativity emerges and I am totally connected to God.