New Unity Sign on Pine Hill


What Does the New Logo Mean ? 

In October 2013  Unity of Port Richey joined the Unity Worldwide identity/branding program. We chose this as a move toward uniting our energies for a more powerful work together with our fellow Unity spiritual communities around the US and the world.  Together, our identity is much more powerful and recognizable by the public.  While we continue to maintin our diversity, we felt it was also important to work as a collective energy in order for us to grow.  As we continue to grow, we will help make Unity a commonly recognized spiritual community that is know as a positive path for spiritual living.

So  what does the new logo mean?  

One of Unity's basic teaching is that of metaphysics.  Metaphysics is based on the meaning beyond the physical.  Each of us interprets the world as it has meaning for us.  In the same way, our Unity logo has a unique meaning for each of us.  Some ideas that have been shared by other people on the Unity community are: the "i" is the flame of the Spirit within us that is becoming the full expression of the Christ.  Another has said it is "the light on the lamp stand."  To some it means "the I of the I Am that I Am".  Another said, "focusing on the word 'Unity', if you look at the "i" it is surreounded by "un ty'.  I untie my thoughts from limitation and become unitfied with the truth of who I Am.

True to the Unity teachings, you can choose what the logo means to you.  And over time, you will develop your own understanding of what it means as you have new experiecnes with your Unity spiritual community.

In a conversation with Chuck Pettis who led the research and deveopment of the Unity Worldwide identity project, someone asked "what does the ball mean?".  Chuck responded, "It means aboslutly nothing and in time will mean absolutely everything" He went on the say that over time the logo will come to mean Unity as a movement.  People will understand that just as an apple means a computer, iPhone, iPod or iPad, this logo will represent the Unity Truth teachings to the world.